Quick info: You can get a Queenie in her natural laser burned state or you can let me give her a hair cut for you. ^^;;;; There are A grade Queenies (in red, pink, and blue!) coming, but it's gonna be a while yet!
A grade Queenie preorder shop is here.
Longer info on what happened: Where to even start with this listing.... we produced a Queenie plush earlier this year with a trusted manufacturer. However, due to fabric shortages caused by COVID19, some short cuts were taken during production. The result: Queenie was made with some faux fur that burned badly when trimmed with a laser cutter. Because the faux fur was longer than desired, it was decided that all of the Queenie's would be laser trimmed during production. It was not mentioned to us that that also meant all of the Queenie's would have scorched fur. Upon receiving her for Kickstarter, we discovered this issue. Nearly the entire shipment (around 450 plush) had laser burns on them. We had to start over with a new manufacturer, and the entire process has been quite costly and mentally exhaustive.
We now have a bunch of toasted Queenies that are looking for homes. We are letting them go at a discount in hopes of recouping some cost (we still have not received any kind of refund, full or partial, from the first manufacturer). These will be sold for $25 to US places (vs $35). We hope that maybe someone out there would enjoy these Queenies in their current condition. Someone who maybe would like to play with her and will get her dirty anyway. Or maybe someone who doesn't mind the scorching. The laser burns look a bit like flea dirt (it's not though....it's just burned faux fur). It can't be easily combed out or blown out with a hairdryer.
So we are offering two options with this fox: untrimmed or trimmed. If you select trimmed, Cari and I will personally sit down and give your baby a hair cut and trim off the burned areas. The last two photos are samples of trimmed Queenies with a new do. Additional problems to note with these: the tails are understuffed and the faux fur on the tails and chest/ears is prone to shedding. Please be aware. If you're interested in a nonburned Queenie (and in more colors!), we are accepting orders through Backerkit for new versions through a new manufacturer! These should arrive early next year!